Saturday, June 2, 2012


As a writer I know that beginnings are usually the hardest. I may know what to write, what the tone or theme may be, perhaps even have the whole first scene mapped out in my mind, but that blank page just intimidates my muse.

I set up this blog about a week ago in a rush of anticipation and excitement and then ...

So, without further procrastination - here's my first post. My "Hello, I'm here," to the blog reading world.

Today is Saturday and that means a lie-in, but this Saturday is a little different. It's Queen's Birthday and the annual convention of the Otago Miniature Tacticians Society (OMTS) is happening at Forbury Park and both my sons are seriously involved. For the uninitiated think re-enactments of the Napoleonic Wars on a large table. I'm sure if you think hard enough you'll recall seeing this on telly or movies somewhere in your past.

But like all things, this form of gaming has evolved. There are still the traditional scenarios: WWI & WWII (tanks and machine guns or air battles); the Wild West with cowboys and Indians; Medieval knights etc etc. There is also the futuristic, fantastical armies which come under the banner of War Hammer. These are the armies my sons are vested in. From the buying, putting together and painting to the rule learning and playing.

While the sun had yet to make its appearance hubby and I drove across town to drop them off and then headed to Mackers for the only coffee available at 8am on a weekend morning. Two long coffees and a copy of the Otago Daily Times. A great start to the day!

It's now late afternoon, the fire's roaring and a roast is in the oven. I'm going to rug up in the lounge, watch the sun dip behind Flagstaff and have some quiet time before the boys come home. Ahhh, you've just gotta love the weekend!

One of my son's creations.


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I'd love to hear from you, even if it's just to say "Hello'.