Tuesday, June 12, 2012


It's cold, no, freezing. Snow lies on the hills, the wind is whipping through the trees outside my window and it's sleeting.

Being unfortunate enough to catch a dastardly 'flu bug over a week ago has meant I've done very little - including blogging.

Now I'm not one of those people who hate winter. In fact I rather like it. Roaring fires, hot soup on the stove, wearing winter woolies and devouring more books and movies than usual. And nothing beats sitting behind glass on a sunny frosty day. But just today, with my frozen toes and sniffly nose, I'm looking forward to spring, which is a bit of a bother really because winter has only begun!

Right, I'm off to stoke the fire and make myself a hot lemon drink. I'll be back soon, hopefully with something interesting or exciting to tell you about.


  1. Keep warm! I love winter too so am reveling - thankful I have no winter lurg in my way, Get well soon.

    1. Thanks Kay and I hope the lurgs keep away from you!


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